Community & Business
31 January, 2025
An update from this year's Clifton Show
Show secretary Adele Saville has a few tidbits for this year's Clifton Show, to be held on 14th, 15th, 16th Feb 2025.

Membership tickets
$25 family - 2 adults high school student under 16; Single $15 1 adult, high school student under 16; No charge for primary students.
Tickets will be available from The Clifton Courier Office and from the show office 10th Feb - 14th Feb; not available at the gate.
Pavilion entries
If you want to enter and Friday does not work for you to bring entries in, please ring the secretary
0409 809 498 to make arrangements.
Anzac Biscuit Competition
Are you aged 18-40 as at lst May? Queensland Ag Shows Next Gen have an ANZAC BISCUIT competition - here is the recipe:
•125gm butter chopped, 1cup plain flour, 1 tsp. bicarb soda, 1 cup rolled oats, 1 cup caster sugar, 2tbs. golden syrup, 2tbs. boiling water, 3/4 cup desiccated coconut
•Combine butter and golden syrup in a pan, stir over heat until butter is melted. Stir in combined soda and water then remaining ingredients.
•Mix well. Drop rounded teaspoons of mixture about 4cm apart on greased oven trays and flatten slightly.
•Bake in a slow oven (150°C-160°C) for about 20 minutes or until slightly brown. Cool on tray.
•A plate of 6 required for the show; The winner from Clifton will represent in this section at the Darling Downs finals on 17th May
This isn’t in the schedule - but will be with the cooking section.
Fireworks will be held on the Saturday night 15th Feb. at approx. 8.15pm
Show schedules
Printed schedules are available at different locations around town (including the Clifton Courier office) and online at
- Adele Saville, secretary