Community & Business
24 February, 2025
Clifton QCWA celebrating centenary
On Saturday, 22 March 2025 Clifton Branch of QCWA is celebrating 100 years of being active in the community and surrounding areas.

Tickets to the celebration are $2 each and will entitle the holder to a Devonshire Tea, barbecue lunch, a free drink and a piece of the cake.
Additional food or drink will be available for sale.
There will be live music and lots of activities for adults and children to join or just relax and be an "onlooker".
Marquees will be placed about in the grounds providing shade for tables and chairs for guests.
The program is as follows:
10.00am Devonshire Tea
11.00am Formalities
12.30pm Lunch
To help us on the big day local Scout members will assist with games and the Lions Club will cook the lunch.
Mark the date in your calendar or phone because we look forward to seeing you with us on 21 March!
Ruth Fairfax founded QCWA in 1922.
On 19th March 1925 the Clifton Branch was formed.
Sister E. Kenny was among the 30 people who arrived for the meeting.
- Margaret Agnew, Clifton QCWA member
Stay tuned for the history of the Clifton QCWA branch as we get closer to the centenary celebrations.