General News
26 November, 2024
Feedback wanted on Region’s housing needs
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is set to embark on a Local Housing Action Plan project to review current and future housing needs across the region and is asking for community feedback.

TRC Place (Planning) portfolio spokesperson Cr Tim McMahon said Council had recognised that as the region’s population continues to grow, a greater supply of housing and increased housing type choice for residents is needed.
“Council recognises its role in responding to the housing crisis and undertaking a Local Housing Action Plan,” Cr McMahon said.
“This plan will ultimately allow Council to identify potential actions and opportunities to address a range of immediate, emerging and longer-term housing and infrastructure challenges in both the urban and regional areas of the Region.
“We will collaborate with the Queensland State Government in the development of the plan and are asking for community feedback to ensure the need and wants of the community are considered.
“As our population grows and changes, we need to adapt and increase the different types of homes available to suit the needs of our changing community, ensuring there is a home for everyone.”
Cr McMahon said TRC wants to focus on the long-term affordability and sustainability of housing types for the needs, means and values of community members.
Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts from now until Friday, 13 December by visiting Council’s Your Say website.
“Information received throughout the consultation may help to shape and inform Council’s key documents including the new Planning Scheme, Local Government Infrastructure Plan, and a range of other strategic planning projects and activities of Council,” Cr McMahon said.
“By incorporating community values and housing need information to these frameworks, the information will be used to assist Council to make targeted decisions for our community over the coming years.”