
General News

21 May, 2024

Muir Street Toilets Are Staying

Previously the Southern Downs Regional Council was looking into the possibility of removing the old Muir Street toilets and relocating them (with a new set of modern compliant toilets) to behind the Community Hall.

Muir Street Toilets Are Staying - feature photo

Since then the Council has worked closely with the contractor to identify a workable, cost-effective solution to the hall plumbing and drainage issue.

Unfortunately, the cost to remove and replace the Muir Street toilets has come in higher than expected, and as such, in the interest of time and cost, Council has worked closely with the contractor to ensure the hall can be opened as soon as possible, with compliant plumbing and drainage work.

As a result, the contractor is in the process of lodging a plumbing application to address the non-compliant hall drainage and septic issue.

This will still come at a cost and impact the time to open the hall, however, it will be vastly less than if Council tried to include the change to the Muir Street toilets at this same stage of development.

Southern Downs Regional Council apologises for the time this project has taken, however, the hall septic and drainage system is something that must be addressed, which will add approximately two (2) months to the project completion time, meaning the hall is now likely to be available to the public in July.


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