Community & Business
3 February, 2025
Probus Club reaches milestone
The Pittsworth-Southbrook Probus Club is about to reach its first milestone of 12 months.

The Pittsworth-Southbrook Probus Club is about to reach its first milestone of 12 months.
For a brand new group it has been without doubt a successful foundation year.
Membership sits steadily at around 40.
All meetings, outings and activities have been solidly supported and the festive Christmas luncheon at the end of 2024 reflected the genuine growth of fellowship and fun within a group of diverse men and women.
Probus is a not-for-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organisation sponsored by Rotary to encourage social interaction and stimulation for adults who are no longer bound by the confines of full-time everyday work.
Statistics confirm that loneliness and isolation have become one of the significant social and health issues of the times.
Monthly meetings are driven as much by shared morning tea as by meeting protocol, although as with all organisations, commitment by committee members and loyal helpers ensures smooth running.
Meetings are sometimes supported by guest speakers.
Invited speakers during 2024 ranged from poets to priests to postmen to professionals, local and otherwise.
Most months an outing is organised with carpool or hired bus options.
Again, the foundation year included a wide range of experiences from the intensity of state-of-the-art technology revealed at the Qantas Flight Training School and the Boomaroo Plant Nursery to the tranquility and hard work of several garden visits around the region and the nostalgia and fascination of historical visits to grand homes and museums.
The club is looking to expand into more sports events, theatre and further afield expeditions in 2025.
Links with national Probus organisations can
also provide broader opportunities for members.
Probus meets on the first Thursday of each month, 10am at the Pittsworth Senior Citizens Hall.
New members are welcome.
- Pittsworth- Southbrook Probus Club Inc.