29 July, 2024
Western Plains farmers open outreach centre in Dalby
Farmers from the plains area west of Oakey and Jondaryan fighting the expansion of the coal seam gas industry have opened a volunteer-run community outreach centre in the main street of Dalby.

The farmers, who have reinvigorated the long-running group Downs Save Our Darling Downs, are opposing Shell and PetroChina joint venture Arrow Energy’s plans to expand its Surat Gas Project onto priority agricultural land.
Arrow is considering its final investment decision for the next stage of the project, which would potentially involve the drilling of hundreds of new coal seam gas wells in the Cecil Plains and Nangwee districts, taking it east of the Condamine River for the first time.
Nangwee farmer and Save Our Darling Downs spokesperson Liza Balmain said the outreach centre would promote awareness of the full impact of coal seam gas.
“This community out-reach centre will be a resource hub where people can access support for dealing with the threat of coal seam gas,” she said.
“It will also provide information about the importance of the agricultural sector in this area.
“We grow cotton, sorghum, chickpeas, wheat, and other grains and legumes that feed and clothe Queensland and the world, all underpinned by the precious Condamine Alluvium, which is right now threatened by the gas industry’s voracious appetite for groundwater.
Save Our Darling Downs spokesperson and Cecil Plains farmer Melinda Commens said the project had impacted the lives of generational farming families.
“What’s happening on the Darling Downs is a real nightmare for a lot of people, and we’re desperately trying to stop this industry before it expands any further onto
the Condamine floodplains,” she said.
“We have seen the impacts further north and west and know that the coal seam gas industry is totally incompatible with growing food and fibre for clothing production.
“The Condamine Alluvium, which sustains this food bowl and our regional towns, is a priceless water resource that is too precious to risk.”
In March this year, dozens of farming families across the Darling Downs united to declare their properties, which now cover more than 30,000 hectares, “gasfield free”.
Arrow Energy petroleum titles cover all these properties.
Earlier, this year Toowoomba Regional Council also announced a moratorium on the expansion of coal seam gas into the Council area.
Cr Bill Cahill travelled to Dalby for the opening of the new office.
Political candidate Suzie Holt is running for the seat of Groom against Garth Hamilton in 2025.
Ms Holt said her campaign will support environmental sustainability and calls for urgent amendments to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to safeguard agricultural land and water resources.
“It was a privilege to be at the opening of the Save Our Darling Downs Soils shop in the heart of the Dalby CBD today,” she said.
“This wonderful organisation is making a significant impact in advocating for our farmers and agricultural land now and for future generations,” Ms Holt said.
Highlighting the region’s fertile soils, Ms Holt noted that the Darling Downs’ black soils are among the richest globally.
“Toowoomba’s agri-cultural economy, valued at $1.36 billion, is currently under threat,” she said.
Earlier this year, an Arrow Energy spokesperson said its practices were less invasive than in other parts of Australia.
The spokesperson said its operations were more sustainable than elsewhere.
“We do not use hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ techniques in our Surat Basin operations,” they said.
“Where our activities cause an impact, we are required by law to rectify it or compensate the landholder.
“If a landholder has a concern, we encourage them to contact us directly so we can investigate it further.
“Our Surat Gas Project (SGP) is safely, responsibly and reliably producing the natural gas needed to power homes and businesses as part of the clean energy transition.”
What are your thoughts on coal seam gas? Let us know.