Community & Business
10 February, 2025
Youth camp ignites a spark in local teens
Life Support Youth hosted its annual summer camp over 24th to 27th January with approximately 70 teenagers joining in a weekend packed full of fun, friendships, inspiration, personal growth and spiritual development.

The camp is held every year before school resumes and was re-branded this year as “Spark Camp”.
The concept of the re-brand was a reminder to youth that it only takes a spark within themselves to have a positive impact on the community around them.
A highlight of the camp was the presence of Darcy Kelso who travelled to Pittsworth from Melbourne to share his testimony.
Mr Kelso’s story of transformation, how God called him from a life of crime to finding faith and purpose through Jesus, was an impactful testimony.
He drew parallels with Moses in the Bible, who was exiled an outcast and murderer, then called by God to become a prophet and liberator of the Hebrews from Egyptian oppression.
Emily Hobbs, Life Support Youth Co-ordinator, said Darcy’s testimony, and his creative way of sharing the gospel were particularly meaningful to the youth.
“He captivated the youth with his unique sermon illustrations, including using fire-breathing to demonstrate how even a small spark of faith can spread,” she said.
A number of activities across the weekend kept the youth engaged and energised.
Each session began with a game of “Spin the Wheel” where every spin brought a surprise mini-game or dare.
One particular dare was swallowing a spoonful of Vegemite at once.
On the Friday evening, the youth members who are involved in the cadets demonstrated their skills with a game “Land Shark” using movement-by-night techniques.
Other fun included capture the flag complete with water balloons and flour bombs, slip ‘n’ slide kick-it cricket, epic water fights and dog bowl derbies!
“The camp wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of our local community,” Ms Hobbs said.
“Many individuals and businesses generously donated food and baked treats, and volunteered their time to cook meals for the campers.”
Seven teens were generously sponsored by members of the community to attend.
“We want to thank everyone: volunteers, sponsors and leaders, who made Spark Camp such a success,” Ms Hobbs said.
“It was an incredible weekend of fun, faith, and community.”
Regular youth sessions resumed last week.
You can join the weekly fun on Friday nights, 6:30-9 at Bottle Tree Hall, Hume Street Pittsworth, during school term, for all high school students.